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Welcome to The Official Team Gyrobot Web Site.

A Robot Wars entry for series 6 onwards from Swindon, Wilts, UK.

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Five Interesting facts about Gyrobot.

  1. We believe Gyrobot is the smallest heavyweight in the world. Challenge this fact if you can. Dia 700mm x 150mm

  2. Gyrobot has no inferior orientation, top can be bottom and bottom can be top, a truly symmetrical robot in all directions.

  3. Gyrobot has no weak side, all angles of opponents attack are catered for.

  4. Gyrobot's best form of attack is its defence. To get near us be prepared to get damaged!!

  5. The energy stored in Gyrobot's 35 kg outer weapon rim when up to full speed (750 RPM) is a whopping 40KJoules (Validated by two independent sources). Compare that with current Hypnodisc's 12KJoules. Energy is even higher when Gyrobot is in full body spin mode.



"Gyrobot" - The robot and website is the creation of :-

Gyrobot Ltd.

"Plagiary is the lowest form of imagination but the highest compliment - HANDS OFF OUR BOTS"

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